Troy Area Chamber of Commerce
2024 Fall
City-Wide Garage Sale
Moonlight Computing LLC


Maryville, Illinois - September 6th and 7th 7:00am - 2:00pm
St. Jacob, Illinois - September 5th, 6th and 7th 7:00am - 2:00pm
Troy, Illinois - September 20th and 21st 7:00am - 2:00pm
Marine, Illinois - September 26th-28th  Time Set by Individuals

**Please Note: Garage Sale Vendors always appreciate small bills for transactions.**

After submission, the garage sale listings are pending until approved.

Once approved, you will be able to view your listing.
To have your listing removed, please email using the email address you used to register your address

Submissions are time-stamped.  Online registrations submitted after 5pm the day before the sale may not show up on the address listings or map.  Each submission will be manually approved to prevent spam entries.  Some addresses may not be formatted correctly by Google and so may not show up on the map.